Madness Combat Wiki
This is an article about a specific type of machete in Madness Combat. For other kinds of machetes, click here.
Type: Melee
Used by: L33t agents, Sanford (game only)
Kill(s): 0

A machete (misspelled machette in Madness: Project Nexus) is a sharp blade usually used to cut through foliage and tough plant growth or as a weapon. It is similar to the megachette, but with a much shorter blade. The machete first appeared in the final scene of Madness Combat 10: Abrogation in the hands of an agent. It is also a usable weapon in Madness: Project Nexus (Classic) and MADNESS: Project Nexus.

In one of his streams Krinkels redrew the machete sprite to fit in with the new art style of the series. This suggests that the weapon will be used in future animations.

Madness: Project Nexus (Classic) stats[]

Damage Range Accuracy Durability
7 115 - 40
- - - -
Take aim at your opponents' heads and watch them fall like so many jungle vines.
Price $488

To view an article on the machete from Wikipedia, click here.

